$(document).ready(function(){ // Partner slider $('#partner-slider').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:10, autoplay: true, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 1000:{ items:4 } } }) // end of #partner-slider // Turn off Google Map zooming $('.map_canvas').addClass('scrolloff'); // set the pointer events to none on doc ready $('#map').on('click', function () { $('.map_canvas').removeClass('scrolloff'); // set the pointer events true on click }); // you want to disable pointer events when the mouse leave the canvas area; $(".map_canvas").mouseleave(function () { $('.map_canvas').addClass('scrolloff'); // set the pointer events to none when mouse leaves the map area }); //end of Turn off Google Map zooming // Team box height var h = $('.team-img-detail').height(); var mbottom = h; h = h/2; var top = $('.team-box').height(); top = (top/2)-h; var win = $(window).width(); if ( win >= 768 ){ $(".team-img-detail").css("top", top); } else { $(".team-img-detail").css({ "bottom": -mbottom+20, "left": "0", "width": "100%" }); $(".team-box").css("margin-bottom", mbottom+30); }// end of Team box height // Pop up $('.test-popup-link').magnificPopup({ type:'image', gallery:{ enabled:true }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, easing: 'ease-in-out', opener: function(openerElement) { return openerElement.is('img') ? openerElement : openerElement.find('img'); } } }); //end of Pop Up }); // end of $(document).ready(function()
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